14-Day Money Back Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with AccessBlend within 14 days of purchase, you may request a full refund.
Partial Refunds: Refunds may be granted on a partial basis up to 30 days from the date of purchase.
No Refunds After 30 Days: No refunds will be issued after 30 days from the date of purchase.
Yearly Subscription: AccessBlend is a licensed software that operates on a yearly subscription basis.
Package Upgrades: If you upgrade your package, extra charges will apply to both the current and next billing cycle, and will be automatically calculated by our payment partner.
Package Downgrades: If you downgrade your package, the new price will be applied to the next billing cycle. No refunds will be issued for downgrades for the remaining billing cycle.
Continued Use of Software: If you cancel your subscription within 30 days of purchase, your license will be completely revoked. If you cancel your subscription after 30 days, you may continue to use AccessBlend until the end of your billing cycle.
Please note that this refund policy is subject to change at any time and at the discretion of AccessBlend.
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